Thanks for the responses, guys.
Oh my god, I can't believe I'm reading that right now. Just yesterday while playing EVE I had the exact same thought. I'm doing full time mining and selling the minerals for ISK. Getting some BTC out of it would be great. A service like that is a very good idea.
Do you have any programming skills? On my part I could do some HTML/CSS, PHP and right now I'm learning C.
I figured there had to be at least one other person out there who thought it'd be an interesting idea.
I'm not a real programmer; I do know HTML, CSS and PHP, though.
Isn't selling ISK against the terms of service? It seems like if this gained any traction, you would get shut down pretty quickly.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I have no idea how they could shut down such an operation as outlined above. CCP would have to break into the site and fetch the names of all the characters who have purchased ISK in order to crack down on players (that, or sue the entity, which I've never heard of CCP even contemplating; Blizzard has). When we're talking about small amounts of ISK (single-digit billions), CCP isn't nearly as successful with in-game detection as they'd like to have people believe. I've purchased ISK dozens of times and never have had an account banned. ISKBank and ISKspot have been in business for years - selling god knows how many billions per day and buying it in-game - and haven't been shut down.
Nothing is illegal in the EVE universe BTW.
Except bug exploitation and RMT.
bitterisk wants to start RMT, and the ISK transactions will be reversed in a few months time (as always happens when an RMT gets discovered).
I'd be interested in hearing more about this transaction reversal, but I think more or less what I said above would apply. I've never had an account banned for RMT and have never had any transaction reversed. Wouldn't they just ban both characters or all accounts involved if it were discovered? The likelihood of detection (compared to buying from a big-name ISK reseller) would be minuscule; big-time sellers aren't going to want to mess around if they can only sell a couple billion ISK at a time, which would leave it as a hub for small-time buyers and sellers to connect. I really doubt CCP bats an eye when a billion changes hands.
I wonder what the legality of real money trading is. Instead of banning it CCP could earn a commission of it. Or are there laws to prevent them from doing so?
They already do it, more or less. You can buy a PLEX, which can be used to add one month's worth of game time to your account ($19.99). The reason it costs more than a one-month subscription ($14.99) is because you can sell that item in-game for around 600,000,000 ISK right now. It's not economical when it comes to RMT from non-sanctioned sources, but for those who are worried, it's a viable option for buying ISK. CCP/EVE is in effect engaging in RMT.
They would likely have to operate under addition laws, because being able to go both ways would make them an exchange.
Any information on that? I'll admit I haven't looked into this side of things. I just assumed that if no fiat was involved, there wouldn't be any real regulation.