So, I'm pretty big (at least for me) in GAW and I noticed something kind of concerning given the recent announcement of hashcoin. I check the champions list from time to time, and since that announcement after purchasing only one additional prime, I have shot up in the champions list ranking from around the 450s to the 390s. Obviously this means that people with larger investments are selling.
I think many of them got their primes for 9$ (converted vaultbreakers) or 15$ (early adopters). They got 400-500% + what they mined in that time, so selling some part to take profit is normal for me.
I post here simply to avoid the "thats GAWsome" sycophant crowd over at halshtalk. I haven't really had many complaints with GAW thus far and I'm not trying to spread FUD, but it seems like there are a lot of questions that aren't being asked or answered over there.
There is the claim that Amazon, Walmart, etc. are in line to accept these hashcoins. Wouldn't one expect there to be big news if this was actually happening... I mean even people that don't follow bitcoin know that overstock accepts bitcoin. I haven't heard anything outside of what's been said by the fearless leader over at GAW.
They will hand out some sort of credit card thats paid with hashcoin. Amazon and others have to accept this card only, no big deal.
Secondly, there is the claim that the ICO will be at $20 and those of us mining hashpoints will be able to purchase at $4. Is a savvy investor really going to pay $20 or a merchant value a form of payment at $20, knowing that the user only paid $4 a short time before?
Again, I'm not trying to spread FUD. I want this thing to take off just as much as the next and admittedly the white paper hasn't yet been released. But, something just seems a little off with this whole thing. I've always heard that if something is too good to be true then it probably is. This is how this is beginning to feel.
Does anyone else have any thoughts or concerns?
Just sound too good to be true if you overlook some things.
The 4$ ICO is buyable with HashPoints only.
FIAT ICO for Haspoints will be 20$.
Hashpoints are only available in a very limited number.
Only the best / oldest / most helpful members get / have many hashpoints.
Think of it as some sort of a stock dividend for gaws best customers.
We will see in about 7 hours: