Playing in nature, being with friends—that should be childhood.
As much as you’re making a vital point here. I see nothing wrong with a child being tired down with education. Since this is the best way to build up a child’s mind away from their very tender age.
Now the angle you’re making your point from is the children from the wealthy home. There the ones who have to face this lifestyle of education.
I think we can all agree that there’s not no school for the we wealthy children that’s isn’t advance in education and exploitation of other things of importance. Reason being that they want the kinds to refresh their minds and have room for thoughts and ideas about the society, world and nature.
So we have kids who goes on adventures, playing board games, cooking activities, exploring museums, nature scavengers hunting etc. this helps kids build another positive mind outside learning in the class.
Aside that, holidays most parents takes their children for other activities with other kids and in the process they get to meet other kids and make friends too.
Then looking from the angle of the kids from average home. No matter the level and how occupied they may be. There’s always room for playing and making friends.