A Debt Jubilee of Biblical Proportions Is Coming Soon… What You Need To Know
In ancient times, there was a tendency for people to become hopelessly in debt to their creditors. Eventually, they would rise up and cause instability that could threaten the entire ruling system.
The rulers of the ancient world recognized this dynamic.
Their solution was to enact widespread debt cancellation—a debt jubilee.
Debt jubilees acted as a societal pressure release valve when there were no other options.
The practice spread in the ancient world and became codified in different civilizations.
For example, the Book of Leviticus recognizes debt jubilees as the end of a 49-year biblical cycle—seven cycles of seven years.
I think this ancient practice will make a big comeback soon as debt reaches unbearable levels today.
In fact, the debt jubilees have already started… and the investment consequences will be profound.
It's important to note that debt jubilees do not magically create new wealth. They simply redistribute it.
Debt jubilees are government decrees that amount to a massive wealth transfer with big winners and losers.