How do we safely store our private information in decentralized manner and also have them verified by verifiers when necessary?
We could have an unlimited Large blocks (or Ranges) for users to store their private information on a decentralized, safe and Immutable shared Spreadsheet {
Notethat Spreedsheet "Range" is simply group of "cells" that are together. Cells are the small "blocks" in a spreedsheet}.
So, let's assume I'm creating a decentralized spreedsheet with people to store some of my most private information like Name (First, Middle & Surname), Address, Gender, Skin color, Nationality, permanent features on my body that make me unique, etc..
I would (I prefer to) number things this way (vertically) on the decentralized spreadsheet cells
1. Surname:
2. First:
3. Middle Name:
4. Gender:
5. Address:
6. Eye color:
7. Skin colour:
8. Nationality:
9. Other permanent body features that makes user unique:
A user will type his/her private information on the spreedsheet (typed horizontally in the cells) to fill out the required info for no 1—9.
Deriving Secret KeysWe could derived our secret/private keys from Range and cells.
If I use the spreedsheet image above to derive the secret keys, I will get these:
(There are two large blocks or ranges in the image, but I will focus on the first completed one)
* Each Range or large Block = A1:E9 (that is, Cell A1 + E9)
* Each cell = Column + Row
* Number 1 to 9 = A1 to A9. 1 to 9 will contain questions on Names, Nationality, Gender, Address, DoB, etc. While a user's private information will be typed horizontally covering 1—9 or A1—A9, like this: if Cell A1(1) contains Surname, Cell A2(2) contains First name, the private information (for questions A1 & A2) will be typed in cells B1 (C1, D1, for longer info) and Cell B2 (C2, D2 for longer info).
You should be able to derive your secret keys from that ^, for your private information in a large block or range.
Why this method is important is that the owner of the private information contained in a the large block could be able to turn his/her private information in the large block invisible to the public, and also shuffle 1—9 (A1—A9) randomly Or move his whole info to another Large Block (or Range) for better security.
Verification of Users true identity by "Verifiers"I think you could combine Decentralized Spreadsheet and the Decentralized Image Application for verifications. (*I wrote about the Image App here: )
Once a user has entered his/her private information on the decentralized/shared Spreedsheet, he/she waits for the information to be verified by verifiers. The private information contained in the user's large Spreedsheet's block and Image app block are sent to the verifiers for split or bit-by-bit verifications for the sake of the user's privacy and security. Before this is possible, the user copies or receives #No 1—9(or A1—A9) cells information in his Block of the decentralized Spreadsheet. The user would have to distinctly highlight (possibly in block highlights) the names[first, middle, surname], gender, address, DoB, on his/her scanned ID card and get them numbered from 1—9 like they are numbered on the spreedsheet cells. Once they are highlighted and numbered, the rest of the information on the scanned ID card can be randomized back to its blurred state. The highlighted parts of the ID can then be verified and compared with information on the spreadsheet by the verifiers. Verifier 1 is shown only the Surname on scanned user's ID card to compare with the one on the spreadsheet and verify... Verifier simply verifies if both matches(has thesame name)and looks original. Verifiers 2 to 9 compare and verify theirs thesame way, respectively.
User's portrait images 👤(esp the face) on both the scanned ID Card, decentralized image app, and possibly camera can also be compared with each other and verified in similar manner. For privacy sake, I believe the facial image should be split horizontally into multiple parts and compared bit by bit (from top to bottom) by different image verifiers. Different verifiers compare and verify different parts without having access to the whole image
The user can now use the verified information from both the decentralized Spreadsheet and Photo app for authentication, kyc, or for using decentralized companies/websites that require some forms of unique identifications. And you could somehow even link the information/data from both the spreedsheet and image app together on Single decentralized Profile/platform. Users Blockchain activities, reputations, etc can then be collected and immutablly saved on the Profile.
I think it will also be important to thoroughly encrypt the data on both decentralized spreedsheet and image app.