Thanks for the flags @Lauda
Great job, Bitcoin_Arena! As always
I believe you have great skills to become a detective, man! How do you find these guys? I always wondered about that. If you're willing to share some info / tips, maybe more members would involve in such activities and maybe more cheaters would be found. Of course, not in public, as if you would do it like this, the cheaters would also learn how to hide better lol.
The cheaters are too stupid
Anyway most of the cheating accounts or alts are easy to notice through their posting patterns. Of course it's too hard for an account farmer to keep the accounts posting every day without generating a pattern. When he goes offline for a couple of days. All the suspicious accounts go offline. and when you try look into the detail of such suspicious accounts, the devil is always there.
I personally have no problem about people having alts but I do feel bad when they decided to abuse campaigns
I also supported all the flags created by Lauda, but I was sad to see that only I and her supported the flags so far. I encourage all the other members to support all these flags. Otherwise, Bitcoin_Arena's efforts are in vain.
Did the same here. Thanks