The consensus is about the capacity of the currency-issuing State to tax the economy under its rule.
When the State debt is increasing and the tax rate reaches the peak of the Laffer curve, the consensus starts to become shaky.
So why on earth would you want BTCs to be backed by SOMETHING other than the consensus of the miners ?
True, to be precise, any currency are backed by the fact that they can fulfill some people's desire, without that ability, it worth nothing. And people's desire changes, the more they get, the less they want, so it is an art to balance the money supply
I'm not sure I get the point.
I understand fiat is backed by peoples' desires. But the nature of desire is that it breeds more desire. And I think that's why fiat currency is completely floundering. Inflationary currencies allow for currency to be continuously printed to match the level of desire, and this is part of why they fail.
So, this is why I don't recommend that Bitcoin should follow suit.