Now, unfortunately I am unable to provide details on what this magical investment is because it would probably become jeopardized and I would no longer be able to exploit it to my own personal gain.
The service would basically consist of:
You sending me BTC
Me sending you back your BTC + profits (minus some cut I take) after X days. Again, I cannot share with you what I am doing as it could compromise the entire process.
I know this sounds sketchy and probably like a scam but after seeing what other people have been posting I figured I'd ask anyways. I am willing to accept a single person with an amount of at least 0.03 BTC but not exceeding 0.06 BTC. I am probably going able to do perform this magic trick this weekend but I can't promise anything. The catch is that I can't just do it whenever I feel like it; it depends on a separate party making mistakes (which they always seem to do).
I am essentially offering an investment that has no chance of losing value, If anyone is willing to try it out, hit me up.