While it's hard to make an argument that this definitely is going to cause a positive increase in price or valuation, it's harder to argue that this is negative. So, props.
Why hard? The fundamental value of bitcoin derives from it's economy. Each link created between agents adds a potential channel for transaction. If the economic value of bitcoin increases in proportion to the transaction volume (as PQ/V=M), and the number of transactions per link is proportional to the size of the network, with constant mean transaction value, then the value of bitcoin increases with the square of the number of agents, which I take to be proportional over the long run to the number of active wallets.
Price will trend towards fundamental value, over time, and subject to event shocks, manias, depressions, etc. It seems a pretty straight-forward argument to me, and the assumptions are valid under ceteris paribus conditions, i.e. they are maximum entropy priors, which is generally reassuring that the domain in which the argument applies is broad-coverage, albeit not exhaustive.