Shame on you Satoshi for starting such a flawed system and wasting so much electricity and world computing power and making the earth 1 degree warmer every 15 years just from mining at an accelerated rate. There are people not too far from me who dont have or can afford electricity and here I am planning on buying 8 more GPUs and guzzle more. Shame on you for not coming back fast enough to correct its numerous other flaws. Shame on you for creating a system that rewards early comers more than late comers, just like the past 100 years humans split up the entire planet earth and "own" it using a piece of paper and every child is born having to work hard for years to "buy" a piece of it for himself. I use your system and I trust it but I don't have any respect for you. You created a system to fix fiat, but its as flawed as anything else before that. Some made 10,000 BTC in a day just 3 years ago and today some have to spend thousands of $$ and a month to create a mere 0.5 BTC. Just like in my town someone in 1920 bought ACRES of land for a few thousand bucks (still in few hundred thousand bucks when adjust for inflation) which is worth billions and billions of dollars now.
Are you seriously blaming Satoshi for "making the earth 1 degree warmer every 15 years just from mining". Maybe you should learn about thermodynamics a bit more.. Its easy to make accusations but rather difficult to come up with any meaningful ideas of your own.
Bitcoin system doesnt require the hashrate it has right now to function properly, a couple of asics would run the whole network just fine. The increasing energy consumption is caused by peoples greed, everyone wants a bigger piece of the pie. I bet bitcoin is and will be more energy efficient than current money transferring systems.
Lets do a little math here. DOGE network alone currently has 97 GIGAHASHes. Considering my tiny little 2.6MH RIG is burning 1250 including the fan next to it (no cooling fee as luckily its winter) then:
Total Watt Used = 97,000 MH * 1250 / 2.6 MH = 46.6 MEGA WATTS
Now we have hundreds of altcoins. Litecoin alone has another 100 Giga hashes, thats another 47 GIGAWATTS. We are already up to 90 GIGAWATTS just with two coins. Say BTC is the same and all the other coins combines are 50GW so currently the power used to mine this crap is 200 GIGAWATTS.
How much heat does 200 GIGAWATT of power produce? Now multiply that exponentially in 15 years assuming the power usage will at least double every year. The results are staggering number that are unsustainable. The grid simply does not have this much spare power specially to waste doing nothing whatsoever.
Maybe Satoshi's fault was that he didn't anticipate his system becoming so incredibly popular and resulting in so much power usage so I give him credit for that. If he knew he could've factored in a couple of extra lines in the code to avoid rewards given based on power use so at min he could save the earth from overheating.
The fact however that creating cryptocoin using massive computing power contributes to nothing useful and is simply for creating lottery ticket system was just absurd to begin with.
He just recreated the same old human hierarchy system that elderly screw the young and human chop up the planet, use its resources and leave their crap for their kids to clean up. They also divided up the land among themselves and left an unfair playground for their kids to fight over.
Satoshi even failed to create a system that provides for instant payments, unlike fiat that you can pay instantly.
Heck, he didn't even provide privacy, any transaction can be traced back to its originator using the IP address. So for cops its a matter of submitting a standard judge signed request to the ISP and volla, they are at your doorsteps if they wanted to.
Why is it so popular? It baffles me, but meanwhile, just like all of you, I am burning my wallet on electricity bills and running the rat race making 0.020 BTC/day and I know I have to keep buying more hardware because just a month ago my avg daily was 0.024BTC/day. Time to upgrade my 1 month old rig or get a second one.