What you offer there is VirWox, which isn't bad or wrong, but a little more complicated and also (and even more important) a little more expensive than what the overview shows me.
First thing is, that on VirWox you can only buy or sell Integer amounts of BTC, so when your paypal-customers buy SLL to trade them for BTC they'll end up with some SLL left that they can not use, which adds up to the estimated fees.
That's obviously worth mentioning and also makes it hard to calculate the overall costs involved.
On the last step (VirWox-wallet to home-wallet) it tells me that a ".. btc to btc account generally incurs a fee of 0.0005 BTC..", which doesn't really matter here, because it is no general btc to btc account transfer.
Withdrawal of BTC (any amount) from VirWox comes with a 0.02BTC fee (and might take anything from 2-72hrs).
Not complaining, I like the idea of a quick overview of how and where and what do I get,
you just should know and maybe add some info about it so your users know too.
I hope you don't mind but I've put your comments in another person-form and added them as "additional notes" to the page paypal -> bitcoin. I can do server side coding all day long but I am at a bit of a loss when it comes to do javascript, so I'll be adding the "ignore this route" functions later.