Your second edit does not rescue the situation as far as I can see. Depending on what you mean by restricting the nonce to a particular range, I believe you will either fail to remedy the tremendous advantage of the faster miners or reintroduce the original variance.
It seems to me that my proposal would reduce the standard deviation in the Poisson distribution of the solution sets, so that solutions would be found in a much tighter range around the ten minute period.
To take an extreme example, consider if a solution set must contain a million successful hashes within a specified window. Then, successful hashes would be streaming out of the generator at a high rate, and the algorithm would be watching a sliding window of hashes to see if a million of them were contained within a specified-size range. This means that there are a million times as many opportunities for the hashes to achieve the range requirement, and the likelihood of any individual hash being the successful millionth hash would be smaller. The time would still average out to ten minutes, but the individual times would be very close to the average (i.e., the standard deviation would be much smaller).
Compare this to gas molecules in a box. Suppose we have only one molecule in the box, and success is defined as finding that single molecule in a tiny corner of the box. The corner size could be adjusted so that, on average, it took ten minutes before that molecule encountered the corner. The time that it took on any given attempt would vary over a range as described by a Poisson distribution ( If, however,
X molecules are in the box and we require that the same-size corner be encountered
X times, the standard deviation in the time that it takes for those
X events to occur would be much smaller than the standard deviation for the single molecule.