I have seen people trying to sell a "Personal Bitcoin Card". All it is is a card with 2 QR codes-1 is public address, the other is private key. So obviously it's just like a paper wallet. I would be very hesitant to buy such a thing, because you are eternally using the same key pair. To me, paper wallets are great "one time use" devices.
So, am I being paranoid about reusing and reusing key pairs, or is there something to the argument?
Check this out: http://piperwallet.com/
With it, you could essentially print an equivalent to a "personal bitcoin card" for each individual transaction. So for example, you could load 0.1 BTC onto 10 paper wallets generated by Piper (1 BTC total), and then each key pair is a one-time use where after you've drained the 0.1BTC you just throw out that paper wallet and print a new one.
So no need to reuse a key pair as long as you have a way to easily print many paper wallets.