I am looking for a reputable member that has an active LinkedIn account. If you are at least a Full Member rank and are considered by many members in the forum as someone who has a good reputation and someone who is considered trustworthy, please get in touch.
(moderators can move this thread elsewhere if they feel it is more appropriate)
You should really write at least approximately why you are looking for this. After all your time spent in the fight against abuses on the Internet, exposing fake profiles, you without much explanation are looking for some kind of access to someone's personal LinkedIn profile (there are mostly real accounts, very rarely fake ones).
Connecting someone from the forum to his LinkedIn will significantly affect his anonymity here.
However, I may be wrong, so I leave the possibility of a different scenario.
You can send me a PM with approximate details of what it is about. I have an active LN profile on which I am not active every day, but it has been registered for years.
Maybe you should have moved this to the Service section