Tomorrow Putin meets with Trump, whether he will answer Trump for the received slap in the face?
Alik Bakhshi
A ringing slap in the face to Putin from Trump Well, finally, the brave St. Petersburg hooligan gets a good slap in his tricks. Trump, unlike the indecisive Obama, did not hesitate for a long time, and after Russia once again blocked the Security Council resolution condemning this time the use of banned chemical weapons by Asad, ordered to strike a missile attack at the airfield in Homs, from which the Syrian aviation carried out a chemical attack. An interesting and very revealing fact - all the TV channels showed the terrible consequences of the barbaric raid of Syrian aviation in the province of Idlib, which resulted in the death of about 150 people, exclusively civilians, and only Russian television ignored this villainy.
It is understandable, because Russia covers the acts of a bloody Syrian dictator, moreover, it provides direct military assistance in the war of Assad with his people. And how can Putin, who himself ruthlessly drank his people in Chechnya and is no less a criminal than Assad, does not support him against the democratic opposition. Needless to say, Putin for Assad is a good example for imitation.
Now, after America's direct attack on the Syrian airbase, Putin has faced a dilemma or defending Assad, which would cause a military clash with America with all the consequences, or with a tail pinned to leave Syria, and limit ourselves to supplying weapons that will only prolong the agony of the regime. Here, Assad's fate will not be envied, he also has two options in this case: to run with disgrace from Russia to Russia like Yanukovych, or to win the fate of Muammar Gaddafi.
Trump made it clear that America is no longer willing to tolerate Putin's too insolent tricks, which instead of engaging in serious problems of his country starts military adventures in Georgia, then in Ukraine, then in Syria, and even as it turns out in Montenegro.
If there was no incident during the stay of the Soviet Union with the violation of NATO countries by military aircraft, under Putin such violations became repeated and provocatively dangerous when Russian fighters deliberately flew a few meters from American frigates. Somehow, to bring down the arrogance, even had to destroy the Russian bomber, once again, flying into the airspace of Turkey.
It seems that the Russian president is just looking at what other place on the globe to show his childishly snooty character. And so, after receiving a slap from his uncle, Putin silently wiped his snot and as a naskodivshy child crawled under the table and died down. Where are the vaunted air defense systems that include unparalleled S-300, S-400, Pantsir? Fat planes, on the example of the Boeing Flight MH-17. And after all, America advised the Russians in advance that a missile strike would be made against Syria. Or they can shoot down only civilian passenger aircraft, for example, the Boeing Flight MH-17.
A similar mirror reaction was demonstrated in the television talk show of the Kremlin nightingale V. Solovyov (1). The usual bravura of its participants, who at every suitable moment, arrogantly declared that the one who dares to resist the legitimate interests of Russia expects a retaliatory strike of such force that it will not seem too much, was replaced by confusion in the question of what to do to Russia after the rumble received by the call.
1. Ofiget it is possible.
http://Http:// 7.04.17