Why are you attacking me for this? For me, I don't mind seeing some website that does this kind of stuff. More websites that are there for crypto overall, the better - shows there is still budding interest in this sector at this point and going forward hopefully.
Anyways, there are a few sites like this already which I missed seeing before.
I am attacking you because your account looks like spam, have you read the rules? posts which do not add to the topic at all are not allowed especially things like "good project we should do this"
also yeah idea CAN be reused, but it shouldnt be, and honestly theres no point in doing it, do you think this random copy of the million dollar homepage will get any views? the people who purchase the pixels will probably just get scammed
Maybe my wording was not correct in my initial reply but I didn't ask you to invest your money so I'm not sure what rule I am breaking. If you read most announcement pages, they say the same thing anyways, 'everyone should buy...etc'. I have my own project that I work on for Telegram channels and if you see my posts, I haven't spammed.
As for the idea... I disagree with your comment. Ideas should be reused and made better. Take Dyson for example.. why do they need to make a fan that costs $300 when you can get the same for $20... or their hairdryer.
As for this project or any other project, I'd like to see them do well providing its not a scam and not just put them down for trying.
Not a good idea to compare dyson with a pixel page where the only difference between the real thing and your idea is the crypto factor