(..) A newbie rank has a lot of restrictions, I suggest you surpass that level, is to purchase a
Copper Member account. (..)
As of now, I do not feel like acquiring a Copper Membership is a necessity. I will prefer to advance to the next ranks by myself, on my own merits.
If you haven't already, have a read of this page:
https://bitcointalk.org/privacy.phpIt details all the relevant privacy behaviors of the forum in regards to your data, and things you can do to protect your data or limit its retention. (..)
Amazing. The page you have linked me to appears to have just enough information to get me started.
If you are concerned about your privacy, do not leave the data of your social networks on the forum, or even better, refuse them altogether. (..)
Social media is a giant privacy threat. Does not make sense to publish personal information on a forum account with supposedly maximized privacy settings anyway.
(..) An interesting article came out today that the use of
the TOP also needs to be done with caution since some users of cryptocurrencies have suffered from the misuse of this network.
Thank you, that was a good read. Security varies from user to user depending on their behavior. In reality, it is such a vague term.
You make your own security. However, sometimes it is a smarter idea to ask others perhaps more experienced than you for tips prior to proceeding with your ideas.