I need all your help. I have an A2 Terminator 110Mhz/s 6 boards with Raspberry Pi model B included. The RPi has died and I replace it with new one same model (Raspberry Pi model B - made in UK board). Although all cables are plugged right but RPi seems not recognize any mining board. I use Anx firmware which is good before old RPi died.
This is benchmark log from Anx:
[2017-03-29 01:41:54] Run Reset=1
[2017-03-29 01:41:54] ST MCU hardware reset start
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] SPI Speed 4000 kHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] ST MCU - Enable (Pre-header)
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] Run temperature 35C
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 = 1200,7
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 PLL Clock = 1200MHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 = 1200,7
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 PLL Clock = 1200MHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 = 1200,7
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 PLL Clock = 1200MHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 = 1200,7
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 PLL Clock = 1200MHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 = 1200,7
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 PLL Clock = 1200MHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 = 1200,7
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] A1 PLL Clock = 1200MHz
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] AUTO GPIO CS
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:41:58] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:54] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:54] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:54] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:54] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:54] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:54] Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Shutdown signal received.
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Summary of runtime statistics:
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Started at
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Pool: Benchmark
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Runtime: 414104 hrs : 42 mins : 55 secs
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Average hashrate: 0.0 Kilohash/s
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Solved blocks: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Best share difficulty: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Share submissions: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Accepted shares: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Rejected shares: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Hardware errors: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 0.00/min
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Work items generated locally: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] New blocks detected on network: 0
[2017-03-29 01:42:55] Summary of per device statistics:
[2017-03-29 01:42:55]
The main error is "Cannot set CS Pin(0):0x8000000", I dont know if it has any difference between Innosilicon RPi pinout with normal RPi pinout.
Please help me, thank you so much.