You can buy this cards easily -> for very very very high price -> i think it is senseless because the roi is 2 years or more, i mean in reality and not what 95% of the people are calculating XD
My RTX 3070 cost 900€. At the moment it do 45mh = 2€ = 450 days without electricity. With electricity it is around 550 days to roi and now keep in mind the Difficulty will raise from day to day = result is the ROI is over 600 days easily.
lower the watts to 118
lower the ram say 2300 to 2100 but hiveos may use a different ram number setting.
Hmm this makes no sense. Why to high? It depends on the silicon lottery. Lower watts to 118? The OP doesn´t say how much power his cards use
By the way lower the vgpu and not the the powerlimit. Powerlimit as the name say - it will only limit your max power but why should i do that? Lowering PLimit only results in fluctating core clocks and fluctating powerconsumption.
the a4000 power caps at 130
you can get the same hash at 118 as 130
setting higher than 118 is a power waste.
clocks vary on different os setups.
he is trottling that is the flux in hashrate
so i asked him to lower his ram settings
if you drop to 61 vs 63.5 but stay steady with no flux in hashrate you clocked it correctly.
as for what a card is worth.
here goes.
3 year warranty = 1095 days
60 hash at 6 cent earning is 3.60 and burns say 3 kwatts a day or 30 cents at 10 cent power net of 3.30 a day x 1095 days is
3500+ usd in 3 years . so under 1500 the cards have value
now if it all crashes the story is different.
your risk and card appetite will vary with your power cost.