It's not possible to make a transaction without fees (or let's say not recommended ) , If you don't put any fees your transaction may never get confirmed and the bitcoins may eventually come back to you after few days .
So yes the fees are deduced and that's pretty normal however 100k satoshi (0.001 BTC) seem to be little bit big , the more logical is having (0.0001 BTC as fees which is 10k satoshi ) .
Little bit off topic : It's better to switch to desktop wallets (but that won't change the fact that there will be some fees) because it's never recommended to give your bitcoins in an online wallets ( for example or exchange websites) as there is more chances of getting easily hacked .
thanks for reply
is it right that if i wait for days until i make the redeem to my paper wallet , the fee will be smaller ??
i'm not talking here about the small satochi like 100k, i'm talking if i made a big transferred amount, how can i calculate the fee
another thing, i like the paper wallet
, but if it will take a huge amount fee, so i will try desktop wallet, but it's big sized data and require a good connection to the internet
what is the best ?? paper wallet or using usb wallet to store the wallet ( i watched a youtube tutorial about it)
thanks a lot