but in the end it is up to the miners to implement this or not. and since miners are looking for more money I think even if block size was increased and it was empty they wouldn't prioritize low fee transactions as right now F2pool mines empty blocks if mempool is empty and there are high priority low fee transactions in it.
a new priority fee formulae doesnt have to mean zero fee's for everyone.
but the old fee formulae was more about calculating the value of the tx against the bytes. which if 'rich' enough you can counter the bytes and get priority. so ended up being a rich vs poor (in favour of the rich)
a new priority could be about not value.. but age, bytes and using the CLTV mechanism for people to voluntarily 'lock-in maturity' of up to 24 hours to say that if people are willing to spend less often they pay less.. if their tx's are leaner they pay less.
but if you bloat a tx and want to spend it every block it gets extremely expensive
where by those wanting to spend more often than 24 hours on a regular basis would then find it voluntarily beneficial to use second layer niche services (LN)
below is an example, although not perfect shows how bloat and respending to soon can be 'punishable' and being lean and displaying desire not to spam can be rewarding
as you can see its not about tx value. its about bloat and age.
this way
those not wanting to spend more than once a day and dont bloat the blocks get preferential treatment onchain.
if you are willing to wait a day but your taking up 1% of the blockspace. you pay more
if you want to be a spammer spending every block. you pay the price
and if you want to be a total ass-hat and be both bloated and respending often you pay the ultimate price