Seing the difficulty for solving Puzzle 66, I'm thinking about joining a pool.
I came across this one
https://btcpuzzle.info/ that seems serious. They clame they've checked already >10% of the range for Puzzle 66.
Here are some statistics :
- They devided the search range into 33,554,400 parts
- 1 range a time is assigned to someone
- Each range has 1,1 trillion keys
- The price is 5$ to check 350 ranges in three days.
- with this, the average speed of the pool is 24756 ranges in 24 hours
- This means there are 2 years left to solve Puzzle 66
It could be very reasonnable to do it
if and only if they are :
1) trustworthy --> I have no idea
2) fast enough
3) much better than other pools --> does someone have any names ?
My thinking is that if the pool has chances to win, it's not a lottery but an investment because the gains will be distributed proportionally to one's contribution. So even 1$ would be worth it !
Thanks in advance for providing any feedback.