Thanks a lot.
I'm also wonder if you or anyone know what is the lowest temperature you should let the temp go down to or whats the lowest ambient temp the miner should be run in ?
I ran my zeus at -10C last year so... I'm wondering about the actual dangers on running them around 0C are.
I have run miners (dragon A1,S1,S3) last winter and temperatures were sometimes below -20C. I had them in a wooden warehouse without heating. They kept the warehouse temp above 0C. I just didn't shut them down ever. If they are powered down and get frozen, condensed water would propably be a problem. I let them run through winter and had no problems (with temps).
Okay, thank you, that make sense now that i think about it. I know someone who build electric boards for speakers and i remember telling me it was okay for his speaker to be outside as long as they stayed powered.
In that sense, can it be safe to overload a PSU during winter because its being supercooled? As in, is degradation caused by heat the only reason overloading a PSU is not recommended?
My S4 has a shit PSU and just running it at stock setting make it pull more watt from wall than what its rated at >.>