Note for future generations to enjoy: We are inviting people to enjoy success beyond their wildest dreams. Please pay attention to how hard it is to find a few brave people to get things started. Now you know why, in a world with so much opportunity, most "sheep" are stuck following the ass-end of someone else. ````````
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{Access Billions} Big Money | The (Next-Gen) Alt-Alt Money Machine Was
Born On 4/1/18Topics for discussion:Is this a joke?
Do you know standard ICO ads are banned from Facebook and soon Google?
Do early participants in new things sometimes write their own ticket to a great future?
If the ETH Bubble Game provides a HUGE money machine for one simple NEW idea, do you already see that idea?Clearly there is room for improvement, how come there are no leaders showing how something (a bit) better is both FUN and massively profitable?
What do you want from life?Are you a student looking forward to being a slave to debt your entire life? (i.e. student loans, paying for your car/house, etc)
{Discuss Billions} Big MoneyA "(Next-Gen) Alt-Alt Money Machine" doesn't make everyone wealthy in terms of money, some people will learn new skills and/or have a goldmine of FUN.
Please make one or more posts which you consider "decent" and you will eventually receive offers from investors who like your talent.
High-Ability StudentsTop talent makes Big Money! Do you want to create smarter contracts and/or become a certified Blockchain expert?
Are you a world-class creative thinker who needs "real-world" project managers to help make your dreams come true?
Any type of "High-Ability Students" what gets you excited!
Other Students
(See above re: DEBT) Do you want to work ~5 hours a MONTH and make 2 or 3 or 4 times what a normal job pays?
We can comeback later with a slick website and graphics, at this time, the best and brightest are already tuned in.
Attention to detail:
You do NOT have to have world-class skills are you able to be dependable and accurate following simple directions?
How to apply?
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