The situationHello. Our company running BTC pool. We've been mining BTC for a while and used segwit address
32Z3eXSPgxcHj2fnQy8d6dg66eVtZfxrBM as pool adress.
But when we finally found a first block (actually - two blocks) for some reason block reward got sent to different address:
1s2iywx94HudryMHsU2g1K9x8DB1cahGcHere are links for both generation transactions with rewards: and problemWe cannot get access to funds on
1s2iywx94HudryMHsU2g1K9x8DB1cahGc- we simple can't see that balance on the wallet.
The questionHow can we access those funds on
More infoUsing Bitcoin Core client command
we can inspect both addresses:
Output for
32Z3eXSPgxcHj2fnQy8d6dg66eVtZfxrBM is
"isvalid": true,
"address": "32Z3eXSPgxcHj2fnQy8d6dg66eVtZfxrBM",
"scriptPubKey": "a91409763cb05dcea0f98f53b0f08651f92c5d2d2f3887",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"iswitness": false,
"script": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"hex": "00142ee67d879ccf17daec87b4ed4a6cecdd9b3f64a0",
"pubkey": "02835613e6e22843ce7dafc5d22a2763a8428b81f3d44dced0fd860f08be7a29df",
"embedded": {
"isscript": false,
"iswitness": true,
"witness_version": 0,
"witness_program": "2ee67d879ccf17daec87b4ed4a6cecdd9b3f64a0",
"pubkey": "02835613e6e22843ce7dafc5d22a2763a8428b81f3d44dced0fd860f08be7a29df",
"address": "bc1q9mn8mpuueuta4my8knk55m8vmkdn7e9qmezkgv",
"scriptPubKey": "00142ee67d879ccf17daec87b4ed4a6cecdd9b3f64a0"
"addresses": [
"account": "",
"timestamp": 1533473707,
"hdkeypath": "m/0'/0'/0'",
"hdmasterkeyid": "35e9670da1b28efe5621eb9cee2cf3e88b929968"
Output for
1s2iywx94HudryMHsU2g1K9x8DB1cahGc is
"isvalid": true,
"address": "1s2iywx94HudryMHsU2g1K9x8DB1cahGc",
"scriptPubKey": "76a91409763cb05dcea0f98f53b0f08651f92c5d2d2f3888ac",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false,
"iswitness": false
I can see three interesting points here:
scriptPubKey for both addresses contains
09763cb05dcea0f98f53b0f08651f92c5d2d2f38 part, which is, afaik, actuall public key. First byte differs, which makes sense, since it's prefix, 00 for legacy and 05 for segwit respectively.
regarding output for
1s2iywx94HudryMHsU2g1K9x8DB1cahGc :
pubkey property is missing, which is weird, because usually its included for legacy addresses
isMine property equals false, wich means that wallet does not recognize this address relation to wallet PK.
So, can anyone please provide some insight and tell us if (and how?) we can access those funds, or we've lost them for good? Thanks in advance.
When I use base58 decode on both
32Z3eXSPgxcHj2fnQy8d6dg66eVtZfxrBM and
1s2iywx94HudryMHsU2g1K9x8DB1cahGc I get
Again, you can clearly see same bytes, so addresses are definitely related.