when was the last time you have access to your account? i saw this on seclog
June 06, 2015, 08:59:33 PM - r3animation - password reset via secret question
EDIT: and your account last active is Last Active: Today at 05:22:52 AM
So setting a good secret question is very important, or the account may be hacked due to this.
Hi all,
I haven't been online on the forums for awhile and when I tried to log back in, my account was banned. I tried for a last few weeks to use the email provided from theymos and pm'ed directly but haven't heard back so I'm posting it here.
Any help is appreciated. Cheers!
My account r3animation has been hacked/lost. Please reset the email to
[email protected]. The current date is 2 July 2015 (GMT +8).
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.1959455Verified. Link:
https://brainwallet.org/#verify?vrAddr=1HtmFZ1uCCWRp9LWj8Yrk1KTmp2iokrCX1&vrMsg=My%20account%20r3animation%20has%20been%20hacked%2Flost.%20Please%20reset%20the%20email%20to%20r3animation%40gmail.com.%20The%20current%20date%20is%202%20July%202015%20(GMT%20%2B8).&vrSig=HCE2HORTkFS18QGVCvB%2F9lALsTf1vIIBNpR6dBLOB81oZjLmhuQIStLGN8qN3qQckh2%2Bj9gQNpuSEEFQ7%2B7Cwmg%3Dwhen was the last time you have access to your account? i saw this on seclog
June 06, 2015, 08:59:33 PM - r3animation - password reset via secret question
EDIT: and your account last active is Last Active: Today at 05:22:52 AM
The last time I accessed this site was just before the last hacking in May.
That probably is me logged in from the other browser but it only shows,
"Sorry r3animation, you are banned from using this forum!
For security, your account has been locked. Email
[email protected]"
p.s. This 360 second posting limit is driving me crazy.
BTW your account isn't banned, it is just locked. You may send a PM to theymos if he can't see this thread and recover your password. Good luck for you to getting back your account