When I been dy small, e get one of our community chief house wey I been get privilege to visit, him dinning table and most of him furniture na gold, when I ask why, because to me, I see am as waste, since gold too dy expensive, the chief tell me say, those gold I see so, na asset wey him fit fall back to and sell if things rough for him side in the future, though I no too understand am den, but na as I don grow like this now, nai I come understand that him ideas wela.
Bitcoin has its relevance and dominance in the crypto world, but that doesn't mean that there's no other promising coins out there. There are some cool ones that are in its emerging state and most of them are still free and currently being mined now with a community driven application, which is exactly how bitcoin started. There's no limit for what you can achieve for now. as you're active with your investment in bitcoin, you still need to be on the watch because some projects might get very rewarding in the future.