Thanks. Your response is very robust. Allow me to take some few minutes to throw more light on the points I earlier.
as long as she is employing experienced workers that can do the job then it can work, even if it is part time. fish usually look after themselves. you just throw a bucket of feed in the winter months when natural vegetation is lower.. which is a half an hour job a day. usually call in a vet once in a while to check for any disease. its not really a task that requires 24/7 labour
Her workers would be her siblings who would follow the instructions of her friend who is already into the business. Her sibling are inexperienced but hopefully with the guidance from her friend, they can garner some experience. So, they'll help with feeding, cleaning the farm, general welfare of the fish and other as the case may be. And yes, it is part time.
what should be asked is has she calculated all costs. such as land, water, vets, labour.. is the pond/tank predator proof or is she just wanting to dig a ditch and fill it with water. has she secured it with clean water supply and netting to avoid losses of fish before harvest
From her business plan, she seems to have calculated the cost. For example , the land where the fish pond would be situated is her own. Just at her backyard. She is going to start with a Tarpaulin Pond first because she intends to start small and watch how the business goes for the year and after which she will erect a concrete pond. She has her own water tank/borehole that would supply her with clean water to the pond. The place she will spend money most is on buying the Tarpaulin and net.
.. has she got a list of merchants/fish mongers willing to take the fish. in most cases people are planning fish needs ahead of harvest. so she should have an idea of how much demand there is, pricing of demand and expectation of results to know how much fish to have initially to meet objectives. are the customers nearby, or does she just dream/hope to travel miles and hope to find someone at harvest time
From our conversation, her friend who has been into the business would introduce her to her network of customers. She's also working on creating or getting her own customers. Her potential customers to sell to at maturity are restaurants, at the local fish market, family and friends.
if the business plan is just 'buy some fish, get them to mate and procreate, sell some fish" where there is no numbers or costs attached. then she has not planned well.. but if she has done the number and there is enough profit margin/buffer to account for any unforeseen bad events and still break eve/profit then she should go about it
Well, it looks to me that she has done her home work on it and the numbers look okay. I hope that at the end of the season she is able to break even and then decide if she should expand(that is, erect a concrete pond) or not. Anyways, I will discuss this with her and allow her to make the final decision.