The reality is, the more paranoid and extreme you are, the more isolated you will end up from the society. And just like you say, there are places where you simply can not go through the daily life as a normal citizen without having to show your ID somewhere, pay with card or whatever else. Maybe 30 years ago it was different. But with technology, it becomes just so hard to be fully free and private and some situations require you giving up this paranoia or you will not be able to do usual stuff like taxes and all of that. Sucks, but it is what it is.
Some parts of the world still possible to maintain privacy more than others, today, as much as 30 years ago. I wasn't really paranoid or extreme in my pre-Europe life (circa 2016). It was simply that it was either possible to live without social media or smartphone (very successfully even without television or much internet for me up until 2013), or impossible to connect to them (no internet infrastructure).
And just simple practices made necessary by living conditions as a foreigner in impoverished places -- never take the same route same time, never let a taxi drop you off exactly at your address, never wear any branded clothes etc. As you say simple things like using a fake name/phone even persona.
Wasn't paranoid or extreme, just the way things are to be safe and mindful. Everyone did it =)
Europe and the added levels of security and state responsibility and welfare made it not only a necessity to be identified and verified constantly -- it also lulls you into a sense of comfort and safety, so you're always getting more lax. I now don't think twice about taking the same routes. Taking uber directly to my door. Signing in with my name.
I'm definitely less careful these days about Bitcoin use. Don't really know why, also the same laxness from this feeling of safety and comfort? Used to be always a new address, always separating wallets, no satoshi parked at an exchange even for a minute longer than necessary.
Now I reuse addresses. I label addresses for different uses rather than separate wallets. I do leave BTC in exchanges for days and weeks without active trades (Localbitcoin but it still counts).