Remember, the two week period doesn't start for you when you sign up. The two week periods are global, so if you register after one week of the cycle, with enough posts, you'll be upgraded after just one week, when the levels refresh. This is what happened to me and confused me at first.
When does a cycle of 2 weeks start/finish?
Theymos stated the following in another thread:
This is period #1135. Period #1136 will start in about 11 hours, when the unix time 1374560000 % 1210000 == 0.
Activity is incremented when unix time is divisible by 1,210,000. The next increment should be at unix time is 1,391,500,000 (i.e. 1,210, 000 x 1, 150), which is on Tuesday 4th February 2014 at 07:46:00 UTC.