DescriptionGet a one-week Site Banner placement on the Top of BountyMarketCap
Boost your brand awareness and business with the growing crypto passionate community around the world.
Ad placement starts: MAY 30, 2021, at 17:00 UTC (London time)
Ad placement ends: JUN 05, 2021, at 16:59 UTC (London time)
Proof of ownershipAd design and restrictionsAn advertiser shall provide a banner in HTML. The ad content shall not contain lies, misrepresentation, or inappropriate language.
For more details contact us at
[email protected] Starting bid The auction starts from 0.1 ETH
Buy it nowThe cost of getting ad placement immediately: 0.5 ETH
End date and timeThe auction ends on May 29, 2021, at 15:00 UTC (London time).
Note that the auction ends immediately when an advertiser ‘buys it now’ for 0.5 ETH.
Payment methods acceptedAdvertiser can pay in ETH or in
BountyMarketCap (BMC) tokens to this address:
Note that an advertiser gets a 30% discount by paying with BMC tokens.
Previous AuctionLink to
previous auction.
Additional informationAfter winning, an advertiser shall pay for the placement within 24 hours. Otherwise the slot may be sold to someone else.