This is going to be kind of long … but it’s interesting.
Using the downloadable sMerit file alone, being it thin in terms of data columns available, we can see that over a seven week period:
- Most users that give away sMerit do it a few times during the seven week period, and that is mostly of one or two sMerits in total.
- Likewise, most users that receive merit receive less than 3 times in that period, 50% aprox. Receiving one or two sMerits.
- The fun part of the counter part of the above, since we can see all the cases of users that have given losts of sMerit and see how many users received it.
- The best part is all the given/received Merit part, since we can use that (whoever is in charge of it) for having a view of cases where:
o Users give away a lot of SMerit to a same single user in multiple occasion (i.e. many small Transactions).
o Users that give away a fair bit of sMerit to a user and end up getting a similar amount back (circular sMerit).
These cases are where we can find candidates to account farming that pass sMerit around their accounts. My Google Sheet has all the data needed to spot these cases:
Introduction:The following set of cooked data does not intend to focus on any specific set of users, nor justify/question the sMerit TXs they perform. That is, in any case, the task of whom Admins see fit to do since it would require manual work on the provided data. It could help though to locate farmed clustered accounts.
Also note that the analysis is quantitative and not qualitative/quality bases. That is data is counted but underlying messages are not analyzed.
Having said that, I downloaded yesterday’s version of Merit.txt to see what cooked data can be made from the provided raw data. The raw data provides information of all sMerit being transferred from user A to user B in a given timeframe (just under 2 months of transactions).
Data columns provided are Date/Time of sMerit Tx, userIds involved in Tx, amount of sMerit and MessageId.
The complete cooked data is available as a google sheet: A few charts are also included and tabbing is much better than on my post, so it's better to look at the data on the google sheet.
(not easy to get it all on to google sheets since it’s rather easy to reach the 2 millions cell limit of the product).
1) File Summary (Tab 1):File: Merit.txt
Downloaded: 19/03/2018
Period of data within 24/01/2018 .. 16/03/2018 (beginning and end dates may be incomplete - not 24 hours)
Nº Records (sMerit Transactions) 45.115
Sum sMerit 104.569
Nº Distinct Meriter Users (givers) 10.835
Nº Distinct Merited Users (receivers) 11.775
Nº Distinct Pairs of Users in sMerit Txs (givers -> receivers) 36.573
Only users with a merit Tx are included in the above file (no information on users with no merit Tx)
No Rank is provided in file, so Rank Analysis not available
There are 45.115 Transaction of sMerit, involving 10.835 givers and 11.775 receivers.
I don't know the total amount of members in BitcoinTalk Forum, but contrasting the above data against total members would be an interesting set of ratios (possibly contrasting both with total users and total 'active' users).
The average sMerit given away by each user (with a sMerit Tx) per week in the timeframe is 1,38, being 1,27 the average sMerit received by a user that receives sMerit. This doesn´t mean much. What is way more interesting in any case are the extreme cases as we’ll see later on.
The remaining analysis is performed considering the 7 week data timeframe as a whole, without breaking data down per weeks or days (that analysis has already been done nicely in the “Merit Stat from theymos data” thread by Zentdex).
Remember, the context of the universe studied is that of users that give receive sMerit, so all averages and data is regarding this subset of users, not all forum users (users that do not have an sMerit Tx in the timeframe are not part of the analytical universe).
2) Given sMerit (Tab 2):
NumTimesGivenGroup is a variable that counts the number of times a user has given away sMerit.
Most users have given sMerit away once within the 7 week timeframe (52,77%), while nearly 1,83% have done it 20 times or above.
NumTimesGivenGroup NumUsers % Total % Total Aggregate
1 5.718 52,77% 52,77%
2 1.680 15,51% 68,28%
3 1.006 9,28% 77,56%
4 562 5,19% 82,75%
5 391 3,61% 86,36%
6 263 2,43% 88,79%
7 190 1,75% 90,54%
8 137 1,26% 91,80%
9 110 1,02% 92,82%
[10 .. 19) 443 4,09% 96,91%
[20 .. 29) 137 1,26% 98,17%
[30 .. 39) 65 0,60% 98,77%
[40 .. 49) 39 0,36% 99,13%
[50 .. 59) 15 0,14% 99,27%
[60 .. 69) 14 0,13% 99,40%
[70 .. 79) 13 0,12% 99,52%
[80 .. 89) 7 0,06% 99,58%
[90 .. 99) 6 0,06% 99,64%
[>= 100) 39 0,36% 100,00%
Total 10.835 100,00%
MeritGivenGroup is a variable that counts the number of sMerit a user has given away (regardless of the number of Txs involved).
Most users have given away less or equal to 3 sMerit within the 7 week timeframe (54,20%), while 7% have given away 20 sMerit or above.
What we don´t have yet is raw data on just how much sMerit each user had at the beginning of the timeframe, to see the proportion of sMerit given out.
Logically, the sMerit is related to rank and function (Admin, Moderator, SMerit Source, etc), but that data is not in the raw dataset to cross.
MeritGivenGroup NumUsers % Total % Total Aggregate
1 3.983 36,76% 36,76%
2 1.190 10,98% 47,74%
3 700 6,46% 54,20%
4 858 7,92% 62,12%
5 1.006 9,28% 71,41%
6 428 3,95% 75,36%
7 278 2,57% 77,92%
8 154 1,42% 79,34%
9 123 1,14% 80,48%
[10 .. 19) 882 8,14% 88,62%
[20 .. 29) 475 4,38% 93,00%
[30 .. 39) 214 1,98% 94,98%
[40 .. 49) 115 1,06% 96,04%
[50 .. 59) 114 1,05% 97,09%
[60 .. 69) 53 0,49% 97,58%
[70 .. 79) 41 0,38% 97,96%
[80 .. 89) 51 0,47% 98,43%
[90 .. 99) 35 0,32% 98,75%
[>= 100) 135 1,25% 100,00%
Total 10.835 100,00%
The top to sMerit givers would be:
user_from NumTimesGiven sumMeritGiven NumDistinctUsersReceived AverageGivenToUser NumTimesGivenGroup MeritGivenGroup AverageGivenGroup
72795 116 1.212 103 11,77 [>= 100) [>= 100) [10 .. 20)
30747 326 725 185 3,92 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
98986 274 649 165 3,93 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
140584 371 616 199 3,10 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
153634 248 462 122 3,79 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
55384 194 409 70 5,84 [>= 100) [>= 100) [05 .. 06)
18321 297 399 240 1,66 [>= 100) [>= 100) [01 .. 02)
507936 177 384 116 3,31 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
290195 208 378 97 3,90 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
51173 194 349 125 2,79 [>= 100) [>= 100) [02 .. 03)
1192397 291 332 228 1,46 [>= 100) [>= 100) [01 .. 02)
976210 204 302 75 4,03 [>= 100) [>= 100) [04 .. 05)
234771 198 301 147 2,05 [>= 100) [>= 100) [02 .. 03)
347141 56 291 40 7,28 [50 .. 59) [>= 100) [07 .. 08)
24140 221 274 66 4,15 [>= 100) [>= 100) [04 .. 05)
113670 57 261 43 6,07 [50 .. 59) [>= 100) [06 .. 07)
252510 249 256 207 1,24 [>= 100) [>= 100) [01 .. 02)
487418 180 251 125 2,01 [>= 100) [>= 100) [02 .. 03)
553678 111 248 82 3,02 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
These users give away lots of sMerit in many Txs, being user 72795 the one with the highest sMerit giveaway involved.
The complete list is provided in the referenced google sheet.
What’s interesting is to order the data by average given to a user (descending). The top 20 cases would be:
user_from NumTimesGiven sumMeritGiven NumDistinctUsersReceived AverageGivenToUser NumTimesGivenGroup MeritGivenGroup AverageGivenGroup
402519 2 100 1 100,00 2 [>= 100) [>= 100)
679185 2 78 1 78,00 2 [70 .. 79) [70 .. 80)
105730 2 72 1 72,00 2 [70 .. 79) [70 .. 80)
990983 3 60 1 60,00 3 [60 .. 69) [60 .. 70)
216987 3 100 2 50,00 3 [>= 100) [50 .. 60)
377987 42 100 2 50,00 [40 .. 49) [>= 100) [50 .. 60)
224248 2 100 2 50,00 2 [>= 100) [50 .. 60)
163375 2 100 2 50,00 2 [>= 100) [50 .. 60)
188453 2 100 2 50,00 2 [>= 100) [50 .. 60)
316552 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
102607 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
343531 2 50 1 50,00 2 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
80045 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
928416 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
905665 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
37924 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
400908 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
821846 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
127521 1 50 1 50,00 1 [50 .. 59) [50 .. 60)
Note that users that in the list above, the number of merit recipients are small (1 or 2 sMerit receivers), but the average sMerit is 50 or above. One case even sends over the 50 sMerits in 42 different Txs to 2 users.
3) Received sMerit (Tab 3):Symmetrical to the Given sMerit analysis, I performed a Received sMerit analysis.
NumTimesReceivedGroup is a variable that counts the number of times a user has received sMerit.
Most users have received sMerit once or twice within the 7 week timeframe (67,97%), while nearly 7% have received sMerit 10 times or above.
I won't bore you with detailed data here (that’s what the google sheet is for).
MeritRecievedGroup is a variable that counts the number of sMerit a user has given away (regardless of the number of Tx involved).
Most users have received between 1 and 3 sMerit within the 7 week timeframe (58,25%), while 22,8% have received 10 sMerit or above.
Top 20 receivers are:
user_to NumTimesReceived sumMeritReceived NumDistinctUsersFrom AverageReceivedFromUser NumTimesReceivedGroup MeritReceivedGroup AverageReceivedGroup
35 451 1.636 354 4,62 [>= 100) [>= 100) [04 .. 05)
3 87 736 79 9,32 [80 .. 89) [>= 100) [09 .. 10)
520313 144 686 121 5,67 [>= 100) [>= 100) [05 .. 06)
976210 305 642 113 5,68 [>= 100) [>= 100) [05 .. 06)
1076869 77 478 58 8,24 [70 .. 79) [>= 100) [08 .. 09)
101872 126 457 80 5,71 [>= 100) [>= 100) [05 .. 06)
98986 143 372 90 4,13 [>= 100) [>= 100) [04 .. 05)
459836 204 339 114 2,97 [>= 100) [>= 100) [02 .. 03)
1108331 186 338 180 1,88 [>= 100) [>= 100) [01 .. 02)
30747 161 334 115 2,90 [>= 100) [>= 100) [02 .. 03)
1038794 77 298 68 4,38 [70 .. 79) [>= 100) [04 .. 05)
886352 12 283 11 25,73 [10 .. 19) [>= 100) [20 .. 30)
26945 47 281 47 5,98 [40 .. 49) [>= 100) [05 .. 06)
915311 53 274 37 7,41 [50 .. 59) [>= 100) [07 .. 08)
225292 15 265 11 24,09 [10 .. 19) [>= 100) [20 .. 30)
479624 192 261 70 3,73 [>= 100) [>= 100) [03 .. 04)
925926 20 255 16 15,94 [20 .. 29) [>= 100) [10 .. 20)
944905 23 251 13 19,31 [20 .. 29) [>= 100) [10 .. 20)
905442 17 244 17 14,35 [10 .. 19) [>= 100) [10 .. 20)
There a wide variety of average sMerit received from a single user within this top 20, ranging from 25,73 to 1,88.
Again, sorting the data set in the google by average received, and combining it with number of times or users may lead to something interesting.
4) Given/Received sMerit I (Tab 4):
This is also interesting, even more so I think. It is based on something I started last week and now update here.
The idea is to see how much sMerit a user A gives to a user B, and how much B gives back to user A. My google sheet lists all the combinations aggregated by each pair of users, counting the total Smerit given (SumMeritGiven) and received (sumMeritReceivedBack) in the timeframe and the number of Transactions used in the process (numTimesGiven, numTimesReceivedBack).
NumTimesGivenGroup is a variable that counts the number of times a user A has given away sMerit to user B (note that this a is between user analysis).
Most users A have given sMerit away to user B once or twice within the 7 week timeframe (95,69%), while 1,1% (407 cases) have done it 5 times or above, giving sMerit to the same user. This 1,1% may be interesting to observe in more detail.
MeritGivenGroup is a variable that counts the sMerit a user A has given away to user B.
Most users A have given between 1 and 5 sMerit away to user B within the 7 week timeframe (91,14%), while 2,26% (825 cases) have given 20 sMerit or above.
NumTimesReceivedBackGroup is a variable that counts the number of times a user A has received sMerit from user B (having user A given sMerit to user B too).
Most users (82,77%) do not receive any sMerit back, but therefore 17,23% do to some degree.
This is not necessarily an indicator or wrong doing at all , but amongs the 17,23% is where we’ll find the farms.
The detailed table is interesting and can help trackdown farms from the quantitative point of view (apply sort and filters).
I checked cases reported on other threads as sources of potential sMerit exchange farms (i.e subject on Suspected users that are abusing merit 3.0) and they mostly came up on the list. What the list does not account for is potential cased that people report of sMerit given away to low quality posts.
5) Given/Received sMerit II (Tab 5):This is the same as the previos list, but narrowed down to all cases where sMerit given from A to B is the same as sMerit received from B to A in the range of +/- 20%.
This list also removes “duplicate” cases (in the previous list, users A and B are potentially figuring twice; once as sender and once as receiver).
There are only 160 cases in this second list where users send 5 sMerit or above from A to B and get roughly the same back.