There are issues with the specific change address collection in the sending dialoge window. The broken button for selection isn't new, but now I've issues with displaying any addresses that are used to be in the address book. Only mutisig lockbox addresses are displayed properly. By viewing the error log I suggest this issue is also related to the transaction details window issue I've reported on previously.
armorylog.txt017-09-07 11:50:43 (ERROR) -- Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ui\AddressTypeSelectDialog.pyc", line 151, in changeType
File "qtdialogs.pyc", line 7691, in toggleAddrType
File "qtdialogs.pyc", line 7977, in wltTableClicked
File "qtdialogs.pyc", line 7870, in setAddrBookTxModel
File "armorymodels.pyc", line 1360, in __init__
File "CppBlockUtils.pyc", line 4023, in createAddressBook
DbErrorMsg: >