They serve a very specific niche including ponzis, and again facilitates transactions with some pretty shady entities such as forex platforms.
This is another big problem, by the quick research that I did, noticed that lately they are not being the favorite processor of hyip/ponzi sites, But bitcoin, dash, Litecoin, Perfect money and payeer have become the most sought after methods by hyip/ponzi But what makes me very angry is why the hell do these guys from the advcash ask people to verify their accounts when they accept obscure services like ponzi sites? I keep wondering where they keep people's documents
I had created account in advcash because I thought I would have the card, but the card never arrived in my country and after I knew that the card would never arrive in my country, I gave up using advcash
I used to have the card as well, it was convenient to pay with. When I was not able to use it anymore they refunded my current balance within 2-3 weeks. It may seem long but I wasn't in hurry, so. It was the good old time of the BTC cards