Someone said that keeping shitcoins on harrdware wallet is the same like keeping bananas in safe deposit, they will soon be rotten and bad.
Getting new hardware wallet won't solve anything if you sent tokens to wrong address or if you made some other mistake.
If OP is smart enough, he will take his profits, this same GFal turned my few hundreds of dollars into 8k already, when the Bitcoin dominance starts falling I will start taking profits, I could remember in 2020, many people trash talked about gala games too, until it get to almost a dollar, millionaires are printed.
OP if you are reading this, you got the right GEM, don't let anyone deceive you, the difference in becoming a successful investor is knowing when to buy and when to sell, GFAL was $0.004 a year ago, and it made a ATH of $0.05 before correction, you will have good story to share very soon, hold tight and don't marry the bag, once money starts flowing into altcoins you should start taking profits.