Most of us will go to heaven...
Anyways imagine If after your death You will be in heaven and watching recordings from your life in big Screen TV in heaven do you think you like it what you see?
Or you will Want to make some changes right now?
So what Kind of movie it will be after your death?
That you are going to watch it....
More like tragedy? Comedy? Some Boring movie?
Porn movie? Grazy movie?
I can personally assure you
most of us will
not go to heaven and that there is a place where unimaginable condemnation exists for souls but I can assure you that making changes right now would be a very wise decision because no man no matter how powerful he thinks he is has the capacity to live a day longer than the day appointed for his death and it is an appointment that will be attended whether he chooses or not.
I can also add that there is NO other way to get there only through the one who was already put to death for your errors and was raised from the dead so that you too may be raised on the last day.Belief in the one who was put to death and
living by his teachings brings life but denying him and living in error brings death.The perfect lamb at your door post while passover takes place to atone for those transgressions .
Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.I may be wicked but i
cannot lie about such things