I am sure they're very much aware of this thread and the latest accusation thread raised against them. I looked into my DM with them on TG earlier today and found that it's read [double checkmark] somewhere in between I sent the DM and today, which means they've been aware of the re-invitation and choose to be silent. On their group, they also made a post replying a user about CCFI and yet ignored the inquiry made by someone else earlier --the screenshot is on my previous post-- about the scam accusation thread of MetaSystem, further clarifying their stance of this allegation.
As such, I had to resort to the drastic measure of labelling their account and the threads they made --as well as future threads and evasion-account they'll make-- with type-1 flag banner with reference to this thread for a "more" in-depth explanation why I think the flag is justified as well as serving as the "single flag-explanations topic". I hope members of the forum can see that it is not my attempt of abusing DT and flag system, noting that the flag was raised not under the belief that anyone dealing with them is in direct possibility of losing fund, but rather indirectly, as in if they invested on the project whose bounty they managed, they're exposing themselves to the said risk.
Flag Type-1: feel free to exercise your judgement to support/oppose