What do you think about Artificial Intelligence possibly replacing human workers in the near future? I think the technology is rising fast but this could cause a lot of problems and unemployment for many, but what is your take on this? Can AI actually replace us humans and do our jobs themselves?
I love to think about this stuff! I am very much into futurology (one of the reasons I adore Bitcoin so much), so I want to add my point of view on artificial intelligence. My prediction is that AI will make humans redundant in many different sectors. Once humans can actually hold conversations with AI and AI responds and reacts appropriately to our language, that is when things will get serious. straight out the gate, nearly all customer service positions will be eliminated entirely. Walmart is already trying to automate their stores with AI robots that check inventory. Doctors will become redundant, as AI could diagnose you with 99% probability of accuracy in .0001 seconds just by looking at you or reading your lab test results. Uber/lyft/taxis will be ancient due to autonomous vehicles. Engineers will not be needed, as computers can figure out problems on their own. Artificial general intelligence would be able to design things that we would never think of, as they "think" in an entirely different way than humans do. AI will even design better versions of itself, which then of course, would naturally lead to artificial superintelligence rather quickly. That is where the singularity would happen and we would reach the point of no return.
Superintelligence is something we can't comprehend. A lot of the general public doesn't even think about it. Since us humans really have no other benchmark for intelligence, we often think of human intelligence being peak intelligence. Sure some humans are smarter than others, but all in all, we are relatively the same on the intelligence spectrum. Truth be told, there is no reason for our level of intelligence to be at the peak of the intelligence spectrum. We just think it is, because relative to everything else, we have the highest intelligence on our planet. Once AI supersedes this, we will essentially be like chimpanzees. All of our hardest problems that we can't solve will become incredibly easy thanks to superintelligence. Will superintelligence have the desire to rule the world as we do? Who knows, that is a different conversation for a different day.
The next 20 years are going to be drastically different than anytime before due to AI. We cannot imagine what else will happen, just like how we couldn't imagine the impact computers would have. Just like the technological revolution, there will be an artificial intelligence revolution that will change every aspect of life. The quality of life will be greatly increased I'm sure. Imagine having Siri or google assistant be just as good, if not better than an actual personal assistant/secretary. The only problem would be unemployment, so there would have to be some form of Universal Basic Income. The money to support a basic income would likely come from major governments putting an automation tax on these mega-corporations. That really will be the only way society would be able to function... Unless if we move in the direction of some sort of totalitarian, fascist, new world order. My 2 cents on that is it probably won't happen. Many people believe it will, but I foresee massive unemployment and a universal basic income. The timeline on this is around 20 - 40 years from now.
I personally am not afriad of Artificial intelligence as many others are. I am excited for it. I want to see it develop and evolve, thats one of my favorite things about technology itself!! I love seeing how far we've come.