You’ll be able to receive 20 points for joining selfsell telegram group and additional 10 points for referring people to our telegram group. The amount of selfsell coins (SSC) you would receive would depend on the total point accumulated at the end of the airdrop. Anyone who you refer and joins the group will also earn 20 points and added 10 points for referring their friends as well.
Keep in mind that at the end of the program, all referrals will be subject to a thorough and advanced audit. Any use of bots or foul play is strictly forbidden. People who are found spamming referral links in a distasteful, automated, or inappropriate manner will be disqualified. Any member who leaves the group before the referral program has concluded will not be rewarded. You will not be rewarded for referring people who are disqualified. Do not post referral links in selfsell Telegram groups(we take these very serious).
Thank you all for your support in helping expand the Selfsell community. Be sure to give a warm welcome to all our new members! As always, for those who are new, our community and admin team will help answer any questions you may have about SelfSell!
To begin immediately and for full details, message and follow the instructions.