C:\Users\sergio\Desktop>ccminer.exe -q -a quark -o stratum+tcp://quark.eu.niceha
sh.com:3345 -u 14vZ4DHDzhttzKyNAmLzpRq6VLmCGb16vX -p d=0.002
*** ccminer 1.6.4 for nVidia GPUs by tpruvot@github ***
Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 6.5
Originally based on Christian Buchner and Christian H. project
Include some of the work of djm34, sp, tsiv and klausT.
BTC donation address: 1AJdfCpLWPNoAMDfHF1wD5y8VgKSSTHxPo (tpruvot)
[2015-06-13 13:17:10] Starting on stratum+tcp://quark.eu.nicehash.com:3345
[2015-06-13 13:17:10] NVAPI GPU monitoring enabled.
[2015-06-13 13:17:10] 1 miner thread started, using 'quark' algorithm.
[2015-06-13 13:17:11] Stratum difficulty set to 0.01
Cuda error in func 'quark_blake512_cpu_setBlock_80' at line 248 : invalid device
Premere un tasto per continuare . . .
la prima cosa che farei è provare a lavorare sul parametro Intensity.
hai schede undervoltate o overcloccate?
poi se non risovi prova a scaricare gli ultimi driver della scheda video e la versione più aggiornata del ccminer...