If it were that easy, I wouldn't have asked the question in the first place as I've been banging my head against the Internet for over a year trying to figure this algorithm out.
To help your understanding, the word Algorithm means "a step by step procedure to solve a problem from the beginning to the end," and not, look here and here and here and here and try to figure it out.
well the problem is that the algorithm is complicated and long to explain step by step. and you didn't ask for that kind of explanation in your initial question which is why the type of response you've gotten is "look here and there" additionally these are resources that explain the algorithm a lot better than we can do. usually you have to first look at them then ask about only parts that you don't get not from scratch.
How about I make the challenge interesting and offer $250 USD in BTC at the Bitstamp current market price based on the date that the correct and complete algorithm is submitted here?
alright, challenge accepted! LOL
(you can skip to step 4.1 if you don't have the mnemonic)
1. using PBKDF2 (RFC8018) derive the BIP32 entropy from the mnemonic
byte[] pass = UTF8_Decode(mnemonic)
byte[] salt = UTF8_Decode("mnemonic" + passphrase)
Bip32_entropy = PBDKF2.GetBytes(pass, salt, c=2048, dkLen=64, PRF=HMACSHA512)
2. use the entropy to get the private key and chain code for the master private key
byte[] ba512 = HMACSHA512(data=entropy, key=UTF8_Decode("Bitcoin seed"))
byt[] firstHalf = ba512.SubArray(startIndex=0, count=32)
byt[] secondHalf = ba512.SubArray(startIndex=32, count=32)
int256 k = firstHalf.ToInt(BigEndian=true)
if (k == 0 OR k > Secp256k1.Order)
byte[] privateKey = firstHalf
byte[] chainCode = secondHalf
int depth = 0
ParentFingerPrint = {0,0,0,0}
ChildNumber = {0,0,0,0}
3. choose a desired path
4. derive child keys step by step for each index in the path (`|` is concatination)
- we already have m
- 49' (index=49 + 2^31)
- 0' (index=0 + 2^31)
- 0' (index=0 + 2^31)
- 0 (index=0)
loop for each index above:
if(index > 2^31)
byte[] dataToHash = 0x00 | privateKey | (index).ToBytes
byte[] pubKeyBytes = privateKey.ToPublicKey.TobytesCompressed
byte[] dataToHash = pubKeyBytes | (index).ToBytes
byte[] ba512 = HMACSHA512(data=dataToHash, key=chainCode)
byt[] firstHalf = ba512.SubArray(startIndex=0, count=32)
byt[] secondHalf = ba512.SubArray(startIndex=32, count=32)
int256 k = privateKey.ToInt
k = k + firstHalf.ToInt(BigEndian=true) MOD Secp256k1.Order
if (k == 0)
byte[] privateKey = firstHalf
byte[] chainCode = secondHalf
int depth = depth + 1
4.1. the case for not having the mnemonic and only having the extended public key at index m/49'/0'/0'/0 (bold part above) and wanting to derive the /0 and /1 and /2 etc public keys
byte[] ba78 = Base58WithChecksum.Decode_Check_and_removeChecksum(ypubString)
byte[] ver = ba78.SubArray(0,4)
check(ver == SLIP0132_version)
byte depth = ba78.SubArray(4,1)
check(depth == depthOfTheCurrentIndex)
byte[] pubKeyBytes = ba78.SubArray(45, 33)
check(pubKeyBytes[0] != 0)
for final index:
- 0
if(index > 2^31)
byte[] dataToHash = pubKeyBytes | (index).ToBytes
byte[] ba512 = HMACSHA512(data=dataToHash, key=chainCode)
byt[] firstHalf = ba512.SubArray(startIndex=0, count=32)
EllipticCurvePoint p = (firstHalf.ToInt(BigEndian=true) * Secp256k1.Generator) + (pubKeyBytes.ToEllipticCurvePoint)
note: `*` and `+` in last line above are point multiplication and point addition on an elliptic curve!
5. getting public key
Check(p is on Secp256k1 curve)
publicKey pub = p
6. getting the address:
keyhash = RIPEMD160(SHA256(pub))
redeemScript = OP_0
scriptPubKey = OP_HASH160 RIPEMD160(SHA256(redeemScript)) OP_EQUAL
checksum = SHA256(SHA256(0x05 | RIPEMD160(SHA256(redeemScript)))).SubArray(0,4)
address = Base58Encode(0x05 | RIPEMD160(SHA256(redeemScript)) | checksum)
pub = 039b3b694b8fc5b5e07fb069c783cac754f5d38c3e08bed1960e31fdb1dda35c24
keyhash = f990679acafe25c27615373b40bf22446d24ff44
redeemScript = 0014f990679acafe25c27615373b40bf22446d24ff44
scriptPubKey = a9143fb6e95812e57bb4691f9a4a628862a61a4f769b87
checksum = ca97ac44
address = Base58Encode(053fb6e95812e57bb4691f9a4a628862a61a4f769bca97ac44) = 37VucYSaXLCAsxYyAPfbSi9eh4iEcbShgf
good luck