I decided to look into BTC mining for a change, so i`m up to date.
Tried to setup cgminer on BitMinter with the following settings:
cgminer -o stratum+tcp://mint.bitminter.com:3333 -u User_worker -p xxx --gpu-fan 55,55,60 -I 18 -w 256 -g 1
This resulted in some kind of bug:
I figured out that the intensity was the issue. With 9 my cards starting hashing. They go up to 14 but @ 14 the hash rate jumps around quite a bit.
After reading multiple threads, i heard that usually BTC has higher hash rates then LTC but this is what i`m seeing regardless of -I 9 or 14
LTC 3x6970 = 1415 KH
BTC 3x6970 = 1181 MH
I swear i looked around quite a bit, but apart from overclocking i`m at a loss
I appreciate any help