
Topic: All the society stands on the most weakest ones the weak ones holding all of us (Read 30 times)

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Society is structured the way that the weakest one the poor guy got a lot things to worry about life bills got to be paid and other problems but If economic situation going down and a lot issues then the next level of the weakest one will give all the issues and problems to weakest one.
For example: If more taxes then company will lower the wages.
We should give credit to our weakest people and poor people they been holding up the economy quite well but when more problems will coming they might can not hold the globe and off course they will fall.

If the lowest level will fall then the next level Will be new poor they are saved until only the weakest people can hold the Weight on them...but how long ?
It's just matter of time many people mentality will not last long.

Society is designed the way that all the things will be on the lowest level people the issues and problems never will shared equally so the weakest one will take the rich and middle-class problems too becouse nothing shared equally whoever got better situation and more wealth have opportunity to past their issues to lower level.

The weak ones falling and since everything is so expensive and there is really not easy to get Job in many places around the world then homeless with broken mind is nothing special but every people have limits how much they could carry Weight.

So people looking the homeless people and are surprised but why ? Im not because we agree to live in this kind of world where stronger ones will put all the problems on the poor ones those who work hard and try to just survive.
And If things keep going same way then poverty will be new Normal.

Soon it don't matter anymore If person have education or strong work ethics or skills because If something happens it's hard to bounce back it's impossible because we live in the world like taxy 24/7 someone will need money from you even If you don't do nothing.

Things could collpse a lot and people who have little more money they will start looking for more safe places to live from around the world because situation getting bad.

And goverments instead of letting capitalists to take from the poor should stop this If not then they will need to spend money for security police and for health care and If things going worse the goverment need extra budget for police and healtcare.

So the main conclusion:
The goverments don't care it look like they are ready to fly some nice clean safer places once things goes out of control and they don't want to live themselfes in country where is danger and a lot grazy people.

All the things going this way just because goverment officials dont think long term but short term and those rich people they have options If one country messed up they travel to another place they are international they don't have home their home is their money.

But to clean up all the mess now it's too late those who got money they just leave and other ones who still strong well they will be the ones who will start holding up this mess together paying higher taxes until they are tired and their mentality will brake down also so they will be last ones to hold up society together becouse of mess now society needs more money for police health care and for other issues so taxes need to go higher in order to finance all this mess what was created.
Only way why international business people and goverment officials let this things to happening it's because they don't have homeland and they don't care If they see too much mess they just leave the country for better location where they can enjoy their money with quality life and with safe location.

Did i said something wrong wich not correct ?
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