While Bitcoin cash was increasing the size of the blocks, Bitcoin was adopting Lightning Network to help decrease transaction fees.
very simplistic way of looking things.
the fact is bitcoincash was increasing the "max" limit of block size while having near empty blocks because of lack of its usability. in other words a pointless change.
meanwhile bitcoin was increasing the max limit of block size with a soft fork which increased the capacity of blocks and helped with scaling and a little with decreasing the fees. LN is not even in the picture yet, it is more like a futuristic plan since it is being worked on and the bugs are being fixed.
So how would you rate the adoption of LN? Is it a success?
it is too soon to say but so far it has been growing well enough.
Do you think the more LN grows and the more likely Bitcoin will return to a good price?
anything that can help adoption is also going to help with the price rise. and LN can help with adoption a lot.
Right now, transaction fees are probably at their lowest since 2011.
no they are as low as 2017 before the spam attack started and then they came down again near the end of 2017 and whole 2018 (90% or more of it at least) they were low.