Even if it was hypothetically destroyed, you want to start a crusade to wipe out HUMANITY. Bottom line is you're fucking insane.
I wouldn't do it as a crusade. The best way would be to target the human reproductive system using nanotechnology. After making the promise I put some thought into it. I don't deny that I'm fucking insane. But I suspect I'm more sane than most of the world which is made up by mother fucking insane people.
By the way, Prince Phillip of England once said that if reincarnation is real he hopes he comes back as a deadly virus to solve the overpopulation problem, implying he would like to kill off most of the human race
simply because they exist. That seems more insane than me. At least I'm basing my promise on a hypothetical second genocide.
What does orthogonal mean? A google search shows relating to right angles..
It's a way of saying the two concepts are independent of each other. Neither implies the other. If you think of a map (a cartesian plane), you can go to the west, go to the north, or go to both the north and the west at the same time. You can't go to the east and west at the same time.
For a less mathematical example, being old and being male are independent in this sense. There are young men, there are old men, there are young women and there are old women. (This isn't a perfect example since women tend to live slightly longer than men.)
Here are two concepts that are not orthogonal/independent: being a bachelor and being male. If someone's a bachelor, then they're male by definition. One implies the other.
Well, that was true when I was younger. The definitions of "bachelor" and "male" may have changed since then.
And you are both delusional extremists, because you refuse to listen to any middle ground and would rather stick to a bias that is toxic.
I won't deny being an extremist. Being delusional is hard to assess if one is delusional. Pink Floyd explained this well at the beginning of Dark Side of the Moon. "It's very hard to explain why you're a madman. Even if you're not a madman."
In the Palestine vs. Israel thread when intelligent people posted based on actual information, I often responded reasonably. In some cases they were right and I was oversimplifying. A specific case: at some point I said the only special power the U.S. had at the U.N. was the veto at the security council. Someone pointed out that the U.S. is responsible for a large portion of the U.N.'s funding and could withhold it. That's a special power I'd ignored.
On the other hand, if someone says, "the Jews are parasites" or "the Jews treat the Palestinians as bad as/worse than the Nazis treated Jews." Those people are evil idiots. Fuck 'em. I'm perfectly fine with wishing them death in a fire. I'm biased against evil idiots. I'm OK wth that.