I sell cheap advertising => ptc views on
http://starcoins.ws You can use our PTC section to advertise your faucet, referral links or whatever.
- The advertised site should allow to be loaded in an iframe.
- The advertised site should not use frame breakers.
- The advertised site should not use cpu miners.
- For each purchased ad view, you get one UNIQUE visitor (faucethub user) per 24 hours.
- You can choose how long you want the visitor to view your website.
- Each view is FORCED. If the tab loses focus, its timer is stopped.
- After user view the ad, is redirected to your site.Prices:
- 1 Unique Visit -> 7 seconds timer = 6 btc sat.
- 1 Unique Visit -> 10 seconds timer = 9 btc sat.
- 1 Unique Visit -> 15 seconds timer = 12 btc sat.
- 1 Unique Visit -> 30 seconds timer = 16 btc sat.
- 1 Unique visit -> 60 seconds timer = 20 btc sat.
Minimum amount of ad views that can be ordered: 100.Get 1000+ views and receive a 10% bonus.
Get 2000+ views and receive a 20% bonus.
All users are faucethub active users.
FIRST 5 who buy 2000+ will get extra 500 views (+ that 20% bonus) => on 2000 views paid you get 2900!
Your ad will be here :
http://starcoins.ws/offerswall/adwertyContact me via forum PM!