
Topic: Altcoin Developing Question (Read 499 times)

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May 18, 2014, 03:59:47 PM
    First of all, this was the best place I could find to post this topic.
    Okay, so I've been following this guide: to script my own cryptocurrency (note I don't intend to actually compete with other cryptocurrencies), and I've ran into an issue.
    So at the section "First Build" it explains:
Now that you have a fresh copy with all of your cut and pasting uploaded to Github, we're ready to build a copy of our command line only version of the coin:

 barcoin% cd src/
 barcoin/src% make -f makefile.osx USE_UPNP=- (or makefile.unix if you're on Linux/BSD/etc)
The code should build cleanly if you've only changed what you're supposed to and you ahve the right dependencies installed. You'll end up with a single executable called the name of your coin with a d on the end if you're on Linux (i.e. barcoin (osx/windows) barcoind (Linux). "Stripping" the extra code will create a smaller file if you so desire:

 barcoin/src% strip barcoin (add the d on Linux, barcoind)
Now, we want to run barcoin from the command line using the -testnet switch like so:

 barcoin/src% ./barcoin -testnet (add the d on Linux, ./barcoind)
It will immediately fail on first run, throwing out an error like so:

 Assertion failed: (block.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0x")), function LoadBlockIndex, file main.cpp, line 2031.
 zsh: abort      ./barcoin
    So I grabbed a copy of Ubuntu and set it up with VirtualBox to run it. It ran normally, and since I'm basing my altcoin on Litecoin, so I used the Litecoin guide ( to get the proper tools, but mostly using the guide above. Here is what I inputted:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install ntp git build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev
sudo wget && tar -zxf download.php\?file\=miniupnpc-1.8.tar.gz && cd miniupnpc-1.8/
sudo make
sudo make install
cd .. && rm -rf miniupnpc-1.8 download.php\?file\=miniupnpc-1.8.tar.gz
git clone Name).git
cd (projectname)/src
sudo make -f makefile.osx USE_UPNP=-
Note that when I use make expecting to get a file named "(projectname)d", I instead got "litecoind". I renamed it in next line:
mv litecoind (projectname)d
sudo strip (projectname)d
(projectname)d -testnet
    After the last command, I got back the error:
(projectname)d: command not found
Note that I also tried:
./(projectname)d -testnet
which says something like "file not found".

    Any help is appreciated!
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