Be careful asking questions..
Some authorities will not like being shown in a light that would imply or infer some knowledge of wrong doing.
And they may stone wall you or actively disrupt you or silence you.. aka: deleting things LOL
exposing scammy crap in crypto is great & all but expect to be attacked ruthlessly to no end in every way.
law ?
It matters now because laws can be applied retroactively for starters and law / regulation is coming
and i think that is and will be tied to on going investigations by govt organizations for a long time to come.
when the levy breaks people will fumble over themslevs to point the finger and hand over the guy next to them
and many will run.. many of the same guys hiding around here playing games.. for Bitcoin $$$
no one here cares about you.. you need to look after your own ass !
and don't wait for the honor award for exposing scams either LOL
all the people loitering around know what the deal is and they don't need or want to be saved.
in other words the majority know that a pyramid scheme is used to make money.. few are getting tricked into it.
it's not all about tax returns
some of you may want to think carefully about what your doing.
and new users sure as hell better see through the hoards of grinning faces that want to be your crypto-buddy.
they are soooo friendly and ohhhh so happy.. while they look you right in the eye with their hands in your pocket.
i've been the turd in the punch bowl warning guys often..
here is your typical scenario at ALL exchanges.
Mods sit and watch quietly.. they may have no one doing support tickets but they will have a pile of guys watching chat rooms for Trolls..
then the usual Coin makers and their pushers / supporters / cheer leading squad pushes these scams on new guys.
some one like me shows up and starts saying FUD this and FUD that and surprise surprise mods show up and with warning to me for anything they can think of.
sometimes for no apparent reason.. it's clear they don't like me and are looking for any reason at all to perma ban me.
EVERY single fucking site in crypto has pulled this same old transparent game with me..
including this forum and Cryptsy gave me a one year ban out of the blue months ago
for no reason.. i have it logged...... i did nothing on their chat at all !
all of these guys are wormy little scammers who are trying to protect their scam coins and playing dumb is objective no. 1
every guy on an exchange will blame the coin maker for the scam coin they have on their exchange LOL
it's not their fault
a crooked and corrupt greedy deceitful disgusting little game indeed.. aka: The ALTCOIN.
i hope the majority pulling all this shit feel ashamed deep down for what they have accomplished.
you all out there know whether your just trying to drain peoples wallets dry or you are a real crypto supporter.
it could be any time that arrests are made.
i want to warn some guys and ask others if they think playing dumb while actively participating in things you know damn well is wrong or possibly illegal is smart ?
don't skip over the Coindesk News Link i posted earlier showing a crypto ponzi scheme arrest.. they are real and have started.
don't drown in apathy and concern for others either guys.. those Lambo roads are paved on the empty wallets of your victims.. fuck 'em right ?
is Apathy profitable ? Where is the QT for windows ? IPO ? TAKE MY MONEY !