I'm thinking of running multiple USB hubs with 12v inputs from a 100/150W enclosed PSU like this: http://www.rapidonline.com/Electrical-Power/Mean-Well-150W-Chassis-PSU-12V-85-2265
I tore down my ORICO p10 hub, which seems to be an Anker clone, and it did indeed have DC-DC converter chips and inductors, so I expect it's fairly efficient
My power meter is reading 32W at the wall for 10 USB hashers & the original laptop style PSU - so the loss is only about 7W.
Hi Gingernuts and or anybody else who may know,
My apologies if this is slightly off topic but I have myself just purchased (rightly or wrongly) an Orico P10 hub (P10-U2-BK) and was wondering would I be safe to use a 4.5/5A charger to power it? 3A is sufficient for 5 ASIC's but not for 8! Of course this item is brand new so I'm a little reluctant to tamper with it but equally if it's good for the job then it saves me RMA'ing the Orico and trying to find an alternative. If you could PM me with a reply and thus not needing to continue to deviate off topic! Failing that suggestions on a 10 port hub for use with my Raspberry Pi (which doesn't work USB 3.0 devices)
EDIT : Rec'd the expected "No" from Orico regarding upping the PSU on the hub.. OK time to RMA it and get myself two D-Link 7 port hubs.. A little upset I couldnt find the holy grail!