What is the impact of the double spend?
Most nodes will ignore the second transaction while the first transaction still exists in their memory pool. Therefore, they will not relay it, and most miners will never hear about it. The majority of miners have probably ONLY seen the first transaction, and the majority of those that have seen the second transaction have simply ignored that transaction and are therefore still only aware of the first.
Will minors miners ignore both transactions because of the double spend?
minor is someone that is not yet consider to be an adult.
miner is someone that mines.
In general, miners will not care that it is a double spend. If they still have the first transaction in their mempool, then most of them will simply ignore the second transaction. If they have dropped the first transaction from their mempool, then they will accept the second.
Or will they (eventually) include one of them in a block?
That's impossible to say.
If neither transaction confirms in the next few days, then most miners will have dropped both transactions from their mempool (meaning that they will have forgotten that either transaction exists).
Your best option right now is to just wait for a few days. If one of the transactions confirms, then the other will become invalid and will disappear. If neither confirms, then after a few days both will be dropped from the mempools of most nodes and miners. At that point in time, you can then re-broadcast the second transaction and most fo the network and miners will hear about it (since the competing transaction will no longer be in their mempool).
Here is the second transaction in its raw hex format:
You can copy and paste that transaction into the textbox at the following link to re-broadcast it in a few days: